And the Nominees Are...

By semi-popular demand, I'm proud to announce the nominees for Sexy SEO Boy of September!
Thanks to all the ladies (and gentlemen) who nominated their favorite SEOs, including the SEOs who nominated themselves.
Nominee number one: Mikkel deMib Svendsen.
Why he may be the next Sexy SEO Boy of the Month: Let's face it, SEO is about being noticed. Sure there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes that happens, but no one optimizes pages to be found sitting quietly at the back of the SERPs. Mikkel always stands out in a signature suit - usually in a bright primary color or eye-catching pattern. Besides strutting his stuff in standout suits, Mikkel goes to bat with search spiders in English and Danish. Hed! Jed lige sig.
Nominee number two: Ammon Johns
Why he may be the next Sexy SEO Boy of the Month: I'm not the only one who's been eyeing Ammon's inviting smile on his Cre8asite profile. Who says the British don't have good dental care? What really makes Ammon intriguing is his relatively low profile. Respected and admired by lots of search studs, including our inaugural Sexy SEO Boy, you won't run into Ammon at many conferences or find any juicy pictures on Flickr. At first that just frustrated me, but the more I searched, the more appealing he became. Is he a t-shirt or button down guy? Is he influenced by booth babes and promotional girls? Would his cartoon doll wear boxers or briefs?
Nominee number three: Matthew Foster
Why he may be the next Sexy SEO Boy of the Month: Not afraid of self-promotion (and what respectable SEO is?), Matthew's already offered to buy me dinner and drinks. I don't trade nominations for meals (conference passes, yes, meals, no), but flattery goes a long way with me. I'll assume that the drinks would be to get links out of me, but maybe with the right amount of fruity tropical cocktails with umbrellas I could coax some top secret SEO stuff out of Matthew. He's also from Texas, and I think he'd be pretty smokin' in a white cowboy hat.
Jill and the search goddesses at High Rankings already have a favoritecandidate for October and ideas on who should walk away with the prize for September, but what do you think? Who should be the Sexy SEO Boy of September? Is he already a nominee, or is there a glaring oversight? Leave your comments or email me at seofangirl (at)
Previous winners have gone on to receive speaking opportunities at internationally recognized conferences, coverage in high profile magazines & websites and a t-shirt. Okay, so Rand is the only previous winner, and he had the speaking gigs and press coverage before he was named Sexy SEO Boy of the Month. But I am working on designs for a t-shirt.
Technorati tgs: ammon johns, mikkel demeb svendsen, matthew foster, men of seosexy seo boy of the month
Labels: Men of SEO, Sexy SEO Boy of the Month
*wonders secretly if Mikkel's going to seek out some kind of revenge for her nomination of him!*
Thanks SEO FanGirl ;) I think I'm going to have to put up a vote for Mikkel page LOL
Ammon actually does go to the conferences, but just the London one. In fact, that first pic of him here was one taken of him and me from the London SES about 3 years ago! (I'm just cut out of it!)
I vote for the one who bespoke "You can't manage what you can't measure". Obviously size matters. I mean, brains.
Possibly the strangest thing I've seen this year...
Excellent post!!
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