The Sexy SEO Man of April Is....
1. From the moment he confessed to not understanding or seeing value in the search industry - at a search marketing conference - it was obvious there was something different about this guy. Too many presenters these days are well informed on the topics they speak about.
2. He's not letting any silly statistics or factual proof cloud his judgment. I like guys who operate on misconceptions and emotional reactions rather than evidence. Most search geeks are busy wasting their time on numbers and analysis of what works and why. It's sooo much more time efficient to form an opinion first and explain away anything that contradicts it later.
3. He encourages you to stalk him. Finally, something that explains the purpose of Twitter (nice try, Li)
4. And the most important reason why Jason Calacanis is the Sexy SEO Boy of the Month is....
because on a day like today, there simply is no other candidate.