The Men of SEO

A fan blog devoted to the men of SEO. Making search engine optimization sexier and more entertaining.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

A day late, but I've got a dollar

I promised to post a juicy post about an up and coming Sexy SEO yesterday, but I got distracted with setting up a test server on my laptop, packing and other exciting moving activities.

Everyone's in agreement that you can catch some of the hottest eye candy in search on this blog, but some people have asked "what about the guys who aren't quite superstars yet?" Today, I'm proud to introduce you to one such stud. While he doesn't have a heavily referenced blog, or instant name recognition, I'm keeping my eyes on this cutie for a few reasons.

1. He may be a medium fish in the big pond of SEO, but he's quickly becoming the big fish in his niche. After he conquers that, my mind can only imagine what's next.

2. I like pink. In searching for all things pink, I happened upon photos of smokin' hot Carey Hart, husband of the singer Pink. He's got some skin to cover, but I notice a resemblance to Carey. That makes him sizzlin by association.

3. He recently hit 200lbs of pure SEO muscle. Hurt me!

Without further delay, I introduce Everett Sizemore,

of First Page Fitness as an up and coming SEO to watch. As "your website's personal trainer" I'd say Everett has the chops to pump ::clap:: your rank up. Sources have informed me that Everett will follow the caravan of search enthusiasts to Chicago for Danny Sullivan's last SES. I'll be devoting a significant amount of time to building a proper shrine outside Danny's door, but when I'm not I think I've got a new objet d'amour. *swoon*

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Breaking News!

Well, if you've been reading any of the blogs it's not really breaking, but...

Danny Sullivan announced that he'll be leaving Search Engine Watch and the Search Engine Strategies conferences this year! Apparently Danny was fully behind my idea for a bedazzled awards ceremony with chicken dinner and free drinks, but Incisive Media wouldn't get on board. Danny was like "it's chicken dinners and an open bar for everyone" and Incisive goes "we can only promise you hors d'oeurves and a cash bar." Danny told them "I get the awards ceremony SES deserves or I'm out!" Incisive took too long and Danny let them know he wasn't going to take less than he deserves. If you want the full story straight from Danny, it's here. He forgot the part about the awards ceremony, but everything else is there.

I'm sure that whatever Danny decides to do, he'll have the full support of his loyal fans. I just hope for my sake, that Danny decides to continue with the conferences. (LCD) Fireside SEO chats, leopard trim hats, lederhosen and helpful advice? You can't get that from just anyone. Sure, there are a lot of other hot search studmuffins that attend, but a search conference just isn't a conference without DS.

This also leads to what I see as a disturbing future. Being Danny's last announced public appearance, I predict SES Chicago will be a blowout in terms of attendance. Sure, that may be good for Incisive, but what about the fans? Every silent Danny admirer will come out and rush him for pictures and autographs. This will significantly lessen my chances of getting solo Danny pics for future scrapbooks! Plus, it may be too crowded to properly admire from afar. This will require creativity, but I'm up to the challenge.

Danny I'm sure, will not be too challenged to find other business partners or other things to fill his time. I'd still like to wish him all the best.

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Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm baaack!

Thanks to my fellow fangirls who've been writing in to campaign for their favorite SEOs. September is almost upon us and the votes have been tallied. Who will take top honors? Who will have to put on a fake smile and give forced applause as they're named first runner up?

On September 1 the name will be read.

I'd like to have one big awards ceremony each year, so that I can see all of the SEO hunks dressed up in fancy suits and dress sneakers a la Messrs Page and Brin
I'd get to wear a fabulous gown, lots of rhinestones and probably some glitter.

Danny, are you listening? That's what SES is missing! A lavish awards ceremony with an open bar, a chicken dinner, rhinestones and glitter. Email me, I know the perfect hostess. ;-)

So where has your favorite fangirl been? Did they catch her outside the Googleplex? Did Rebecca from SEOmoz knock me out of the picture for getting too close to Matt Cutts? Was I simply too busy trying to claw my way up to number one for "men of seo"?

Actually, I'm just moving. As someone who's only a few pixels tall, you'd think that wouldn't be difficult. But I've got tons of little virtual shoes sitting around on my hard drive, lots of drag and drop clothes and 256 colors of makeup to get organized. Not to mention a sexy SEO boy of the month to choose!

I know my priorities though. Coming Wednesday: a studly SEO hottie on the rise. He's not a webwide name - yet - but he's creating quite a stir in his niche and I've got a shirtless pic! (Thanks to my inside source) I've got the scoop on future experiences, so maybe I can get some lurid shots of him wearing a cloak and black hat.

And of course
Friday, Friday, Friday: The Sexy SEO Boy of the Month for September is announced. Exclusive quotes, secrets from his friends and more!


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bearded Babes

Photos, clockwise from bottom left: Rand Fishkin of SEO Moz (and reigning Sexy SEO Boy of the Month); friend to many, man of my dreams Mr. Matt Cutts; the always enthusiastic Jim Boykin; her Majesty's Search Knight in Spidery Armour (I use extra vowels just for him), protector of the empire of search, Sir Ammon Johns; new SEOmoz hottie Jeff Pollard (hi Jeff ;))

Maybe you've stumbled across this blog looking for useful advice about search engine optimization. Of course you stuck around for the eye candy, or perhaps you aspire to be a Sexy Search Boy someday. While I try to keep this blog focused, I'm going to take this opportunity to post some useful advice.

Great content with keyphrases sprinkled naturally throughout? Check. Links from related resource sites? Check. Beard?

Ah ha! The secret of search optimization that no one else is giving up! You always hear about content, and links, and blogging, and updating, yada yada whatever. But you see all these guys doing really big things with search, and you think "there's gotta be something more" and there is! Beards! If you're a guy, your chances of success in search dramatically improve with facial hair. Think about it - if you're online pouring over hundreds of sites researching keywords and linking patterns and the like, you need something to stroke. If you shave, you'll only be rubbing scruff when you find yourself still glued to your keyboard 10 hours later. And I won't even get on the distractions that might arise if you start stroking other stuff (like your forehead or something, where's your mind?). Enter the beard or goatee.

Photos, clockwise from top left: Link Lov-ah Andy Hagans letting you know where his strength comes from; Roger BKA Martinibuster at Webmaster World striking a pose; Todd Malicoat of Stuntdubl hitting us with the partial goatee; Matt Cutts goes gorilla on Greg Boser proclaiming "my facial hair is better than yours"; Barry Schwartz of RustyBrick smiles, knowing the 2 guys behind him don't stand a chance

Somewhere along the way your beard will start to inspire creativity and a fresh new perspective on content development. If you're snacking late at night it may even provide entertainment as you brush crumbs out of it. None of the guys at SES would let me rub their beards for good luck, so I don't know how the magic of the beard works. However, if you've followed the beginner's guide to SEO, and read the books and still can't quite get your mojo going, ditch the razor. Does it work? The proof is in the pictures.

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And the Nominees Are...

By semi-popular demand, I'm proud to announce the nominees for Sexy SEO Boy of September!

Thanks to all the ladies (and gentlemen) who nominated their favorite SEOs, including the SEOs who nominated themselves.

Nominee number one: Mikkel deMib Svendsen.
Why he may be the next Sexy SEO Boy of the Month: Let's face it, SEO is about being noticed. Sure there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes that happens, but no one optimizes pages to be found sitting quietly at the back of the SERPs. Mikkel always stands out in a signature suit - usually in a bright primary color or eye-catching pattern. Besides strutting his stuff in standout suits, Mikkel goes to bat with search spiders in English and Danish. Hed! Jed lige sig.

Nominee number two: Ammon Johns
Why he may be the next Sexy SEO Boy of the Month: I'm not the only one who's been eyeing Ammon's inviting smile on his Cre8asite profile. Who says the British don't have good dental care? What really makes Ammon intriguing is his relatively low profile. Respected and admired by lots of search studs, including our inaugural Sexy SEO Boy, you won't run into Ammon at many conferences or find any juicy pictures on Flickr. At first that just frustrated me, but the more I searched, the more appealing he became. Is he a t-shirt or button down guy? Is he influenced by booth babes and promotional girls? Would his cartoon doll wear boxers or briefs?

Nominee number three: Matthew Foster
Why he may be the next Sexy SEO Boy of the Month: Not afraid of self-promotion (and what respectable SEO is?), Matthew's already offered to buy me dinner and drinks. I don't trade nominations for meals (conference passes, yes, meals, no), but flattery goes a long way with me. I'll assume that the drinks would be to get links out of me, but maybe with the right amount of fruity tropical cocktails with umbrellas I could coax some top secret SEO stuff out of Matthew. He's also from Texas, and I think he'd be pretty smokin' in a white cowboy hat.

Jill and the search goddesses at High Rankings already have a favoritecandidate for October and ideas on who should walk away with the prize for September, but what do you think? Who should be the Sexy SEO Boy of September? Is he already a nominee, or is there a glaring oversight? Leave your comments or email me at seofangirl (at)

Previous winners have gone on to receive speaking opportunities at internationally recognized conferences, coverage in high profile magazines & websites and a t-shirt. Okay, so Rand is the only previous winner, and he had the speaking gigs and press coverage before he was named Sexy SEO Boy of the Month. But I am working on designs for a t-shirt.

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Separated at Birth?

The more I thought about Danny Sullivan's After Hours SEO pic - and I thought about it a lot - the more I started thinking "he really resembles someone." I don't know why I didn't pickup on this earlier. Nick and Danny have star status, lots of lady fans and both put on killer shows. A little hair gel for Danny and they'd be indistinguishable. Besides devilish charm and striped shirts though, that's where the similarities end. I mean singing, dancing, who cares? Link building, forum moderating, newsletter writing... that's what I call talent.

Pardon me while I cover my Nick Lachey posters with pictures of a real rock star.


Adult Video on Google?

Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Watch compiled a few postings which indicate that Google may give the go ahead to "mature and adult" video content. That stuff doesn't usually do anything for me, but it got me thinking - could Matt's future videos be a little more titilating? I'm picturing something like....

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Drink Responsibly

While I was Googling the speakers compiling notes from SES, I happened upon a photo collage of Rand. I started to daydream about our Google themed nursery, but then I found a rather disturbing shot.

The normally smoking hot Rand resembled a guy who wouldn't be hot if he was wearing lit gasoline boxers. Rand's 99% uptime sexiness ALMOST negates this shot. However with Andy Beal promoting the official fraternity approved link strategy, I feel it necessary to post this to remind you all to drink and link responsibly.

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Mad About Danny Sullivan

SES San Jose 2006 officially draws to a close today. No more longing looks at the men of SEO as they wax poetic about linking strategies, Web 2.0 applications, and ever changing algorithms. I'm a little sad, but when the door to one conference closes, another one opens - in a few months anyway.

After nervously admiring the departing search hunks, my mind came back to the conference. That of course got me thinking about Danny Sullivan. Danny is the brains and hotness behind the programming of SES, as explained in USA Today. I've been a long time fan of this international man of mystery. Based out of the UK, Danny jet sets with the best of 'em. Conferences in the US, Europe and Asia keep his passport active as he travels the world evangelising the miracle of search. Most of the time, he does this in style. Check out my Danny montage below.

Dapper Danny gets my heart fluttering, and fireside SEO is sooo romantic. Video fire, wine, Danny, Sergey... Makes me want to slip into something more comfortable. Then there's Uncensored SEO Danny who appeals to my carnal instincts. This picture looks like he just finished getting down and dirty with a black hatter and came out on top. Sexy!

Danny's one of the few guys with the confidence to pull off a violet and leopard print hat, but I don't think he really took it to its full potential. I picture that hat with an ensemble like this:

or something equally stylish from the international male catalog.

But then we get to the headshot Danny uses when promoting the SES conferences. Danny, I love you to death and am your number one fan. Seriously, if Rand doesn't accept my proposal, I'm dedicating my entire Sexy SEO men scrapbook to you. However, your headshot doesn't do your hotness justice.

As a devoted fan, I'm asking that you use the "Dapper Danny" picture or the "SEO stud" shot. If there was a video that accompanied the Uncensored SEO shot, I'd like a copy for my private collection. Sure, most people registering for the conference don't give your headshot a second look. For those of us who print out 8x10 glossies to keep next to our nightstands though, you're often the last image we see before dreaming of top 10 results on competitive, singular keywords (what would it be like to rank for "laptop" or even "seo" I don't think I'll ever know but a girl can dream).

Danny, I feel like Ask- thought of occasionally, but not given any real attention. Your picture is optimized for the viewer looking for a general idea of who's running the show, a face to place with the name. But what about those like me, who turn to you for sexy pictorials, flirty smiles at the camera as if to say "I know search strategies that you don't"? That's the Danny I know and lust after.

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mr. SEO August 2006

I'm proud to announce that Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz is our first official Sexy SEO Boy of the month.

Lisa, from Bruce Clay was lucky enough to be seated next to Rand at the blogging panel at SES San Jose.

"I must be careful to maintain composure, Rand Fishkin and his yellow pumas are sitting four seats to my left."

Tell me about it! The thought of being so close to such SEO sexiness gives me butterflies. I don't know if I could handle being four seats away. It's kind of obvious why Rand makes me randy (sorry, couldn't help it), but in case you need reasons on why Rand is hot stuff:

1. It's in the genes
Mom and dad are a serious part of the SEOMoz mix. It's one thing to learn how to work the SERPs, it's another to have the genetics to naturally master it. Just think, if I were to marry Rand we'd have cute little SEO babies. We could decorate the nursery in fun primary colors, and baby's first word would be "" or something. Or maybe "yahoo" when baby has the sniffles. Sorry, I've gotten ahead of myself here, but you get the idea.

2. He says all the right things
I love guys who know how to give a compliment. Not your usual "nice backend (database work)" or "you're a 10 (SERP results winner)" type compliments either. Earlier this month, Rand shared some of his feelings about Danny Sullivan:

What I think is so incredible about Danny is his amazing ability to be down-to-earth. In a recent conversation, we spent almost an hour talking about making the decision to get married. Danny approached that topic with the same logic, empathy and tact that he does when talking about the latest Google foible. Unlike so many people in the business world, there's nothing two-faced about him - what you see is what you get, no matter the topic or the crowd.

I'm proud to say that Danny is the representative of my industry, proud to know him and grateful for his leadership. Without him, I think that the world of search marketing would be vastly changed for the worse. Danny's actually more than just a hero to me - he's a role model, someone I aspire to be.

Sigh. What I wouldn't give to hear Rand whisper sweet nothings in my ear about changing the search landscape, appealing to his feelings in a contextually relevant way... By the way, I'm assuming Danny and Rand aren't getting married (not that there's anything wrong with that), which could only lead me to the conclusion that Rand might be going off the market. No
Rand, no! I'm the one for you! I've got orange pumas and the same interest in search that fuels your fire. If you decide to ignore fate and walk down the aisle with that girl you live with though, good luck and congratulations. Just know she'll never be half the nerd I am!

3. He makes fashion statements
In a space where very few embrace their icon status, Rand proudly displays his trend-leading style. Madonna had crosses, Gwen Stefani has her red lipstick, Paris Hilton has STDs and Rand has the yellow pumas. Sure, lots of SEO guys have questionable haircuts (I think it makes a guy unique, don't change a thing!), but nothing Trump-esque that would stand out as a signature. Not wanting to compete in the questionable hair category, Rand takes it to the feet. It's just one more thing that makes him hot.

Congratulations to Rand of SEOmoz, or Sexy SEO Boy of the Month!

I'm too cheap to buy an award for you or anything, but email me and I'll buy you a drink - no link necessary. Just for fun: drinks for links

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Search Engine Strategies Day 1

So it seems like everyone in the search world has landed in San Jose for the 2006 Search Engine Strategies conference. Search stud Jim Boyken has the first pictures posted at his blog here

Our favorite? The man, the legend, the Google search god himself - Matt Cutts greeting eager fans. Now entering territory once reserved for 19 year old girls and lonely housewives, Matt recently added video star to the resume.

We totally understand the excitement. Our minds started to race a few weeks ago when the Matt cartoon doll started circulating. We're not sure abot the undies, but the thought of a shirtless Matt toiling away over servers whirring and humming in the background, processing billions of queries, was enough to send our minds racing.
Free Image Hosting at

We love seeing Matt on webcam, but we love being able to dress him up even more.

There were also some girls from Bodog moving in on Jim Boykin (L), Dave Zuls (R) and Some Guy (back). Hey girls, not too close! SEO Fangirl is the shy type, but she's been known to be agressive in getting competition out of the way (in the SERPs anyway).

Do you have pics of any search studs from SES San Jose? Send them to

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What is this blog about

Welcome to the Men of SEO. MoS is run by SEO Fangirl, an admirer of men who are packing the big 10 (SERP results of course, what were you thinking?), marketing muscle and overall search sexiness. Let's not forget these guys know how to handle spiders! SEO Fangirl tells people she reads the search engine optimization blogs for the articles, but like those who read certain gentlemens' magazines it's really all about the pictures.

To maintain appearances, the occasional item of actual news may make its way into the posts. We know what you really want though, and SEO Fangirl swears that boring stuff will be kept to a minimum.
